Welcome to Indian LakeIndian Lake Association (ILA) -
Preserving & Protecting Indian Lake The purpose of the Association is to preserve Indian Lake and its surroundings, and to enhance the water quality, fishery, boating safety, and aesthetic values of Indian Lake as a public recreation facility for today and future generations. Since the original chartering the association has attempted to take an active role in informing and educating our residents about the importance of appropriate lake management. Some of the newsletter highlights: a local moose, status of wake boats, creatures in our neighborhood, no fishing line left behind, Elaine Freund's recipes from 1994, short early history of Sugar Camp and LOTS more!! Thank you Roger for putting these quarterly newsletters together.
It has come to my attention that when reading this website, the formatting does not reflect the full page on some tablets. We will be looking into how to correct this. Have rearranged some timely information below for now.___________________________________________________________
Past, Present & Future DiligenceThe following articles, references and documents will enhance your knowledge of maintaining our healthy lake for generations to come.
Attorney General Schimel Says County Regulates Shorelines in the Town of Sugar Camp _____________________________________
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